Trail Paradise

Trail Paradise
Hopes of the future are only limited by the boundaries we set.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Working together

  Our group did very well throughout this project. I could not have asked for better teammates. We worked well together and each put forth a great deal of time and effort to this project. We met a few times a week and talked on a daily basis to make sure this project was perfect.  The only advice I have for the future would be more time. We worked very hard on this project but more time and more team members would have made the project even better. 

-Robert Stafford

Group Collaboration

The group collaboration went very well. We effectively worked together using Google Docs on the team proposal and on the presentation script. The weekly team meetings helped our group stay on focus and informed about each others work. Also, there was great communication outside of the meetings, through multiple media sources. The deadlines we set for ourselves made sure that everyone was prepared prior to the meetings. The only improvement our group would need for the future would be to communicate about document format types. There were a few problems that arose because of apple versus windows products, but since we worked efficiently as a team, we were able to absolve the problems quickly and effectively.

-Alex Whitman

Group Collaboration - What Went Well

I think our group managed to work well together and divide the work evenly. The nature of this project allowed several different semi-independent components to be researched, so the work was easy to divide. I especially found the use of Google Docs to be helpful, because we were able to work as a group and share a common workspace without worrying about version control or inconsistent editing and proofreading. I did find that working on the audio and video components of the presentation was difficult to do as a group simply because it required a lot of large file transfers, not all of which could be accomplished easily.
